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TR6 Badge location

To: 6Pack-digest@autox.team.net
Subject: TR6 Badge location
From: "Walt Fogle" <foglew@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 00:42:24

I recently joined the 6 Pack and have been a TR6 owner for about 1 year.  
Earlier this week I posted a request about removing the incorrect badges on 
my '69 TR6.  Well, I've removed them using a hair dryer to peel off the 
vinyl and to soften the adhesive underneath.  I then used mineral spirits 
(sparingly, with a Q-Tip) and heat to remove the adhesive.  I'm happy to say 
that with no damage to the paint underneath and, after a bit of wox, the 
surface is prepped for the new correct badges.

Can anyone tell me what is the correct placement of the TR6 block letter 
badges?  ie; how far from the edge of the taillight assembly?  And are they 
basically centered on the taillight on the horizontal plane?

I've lurked a bit the past few months and have posted a couple other 
requests.  Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better.

Thanks and best regards,
Walt Fogle
'69 TR6 CC30689L
Woodinville, WA

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