Jim---The hazard switch itself might be bad, but before you spend the
money for these expensive little devils, check the switch with a test
light to see if voltage gets to the bulb when the switch is pulled out.
Sometimes the contacts get dirty from non-use, and can be cleaned with a
squirt of electrical contact cleaner, sold at auto parts supply. Next,
test the flasher. It's the one against the inside L.H. fender well.
(It's different than the turn signal's)
No lights nor accessories need be on when this switch is called upon to
"emergency" flash.
On the speedometer fluctuation, first try to lube the inside cable.
Disconnect it at the knurled nut at the back of the speedo, and pull it
down into the footwell. (Watch nearby wires!) Then pull the inside cable
from its sheath, all the way out. Put a thin layer of grease all along
its length, except the last foot or so. Thread it back inside so you can
feel it make contact at the transmission drive point. This will usually
buy you an extra few years, till you eventually may have to replace the
cable complete.
As an aside for those who will someday replace this cable, save the
inside wire part. Cut off a length about 6" long that was the end that
drives the speedometer. When in doubt about having a bad speedo, you can
reattach this six inch piece to the speedo, and chuck up the loose end
into your hand drill motor, preferrably the vari-speed kind. You can
test the speedo this way to see if it fluctuates at all hand drill rpms.
Dick T