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(No Subject)

To: "6pack@autox.team.net " <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: (No Subject)
From: "Steve Nabors" <topdown@eudoramail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 00:00:42 -0800
Robert Gannon wrote:
Subject: Re: Brakes.
I changed my fluids this fall and couldn't figure why I had spongee
brakes. Then I read on the list about an old trick of putting pressure
on the pedal over night and opening the reservoir. After 24 hours I
closed all up released the pressure. Brakes are hard and good.

Do you simply hold the pedal down with something over night and uncap the 
reservior and all the bubbles just work their from the slave cylinder on up(for 
a clutch silicone application)? I recently rebuilt my brake master cylinder and 
clutch cylinders. The brake job was a success and so was the 
clutch...initially. Then the slow leaking CMC evolved. I'm going to go ahead 
and get everything new except the plastic pipe as VB has it all at good prices. 
This time I was thinking of do the silicone as I've heard people say the seals 
last forever with silicone. ANyway, thats a good tip on the 'overnight bleed' 
trick. I'll try it when I get there.  

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