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Re: 3 years now, should I change the oil?

To: Jeff Johnson <>
Subject: Re: 3 years now, should I change the oil?
From: David Yip <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:32:08 -0800 (PST)

   I've had it for about 14 years now.  Actually it's
more the hassle factor than the money factor for me. 
When I used to live in the suburbs and had a house, I
was more inclined to fiddle with the car since I had a
place to do it.  Now that I live in the heart of San
Francisco, I don't have a place to work on it.  Even
when I did have a garage, I didn't change the oil that
much.  I've tried calling a bunch of places, but they
don't work on TR6s.  There used to be a great mechanic
at San Francisco Rolls Royce.  He was great and for
some reason really cheap.  But the decree came down
that they would only work on Rolls Royces, Bentleys
and Jaguars from now on.

   There is a garage that will let me work on my car
there, but only on weekends.  They're way too busy
during the week.  It's a real service "garage".  But
if I do that, I won't be able to park when I get home.
 The weekends are tough.


--- Jeff Johnson <> wrote:
> David;
> OBTW, How long have you owned your TR?

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