There are no extra wires or contacts, just a single round hole, but no
tubular extension to attach the light socket. One explanation I have heard
is that the tachometer I found is from a later model TR3.
Steve Peca
Franklin Twp, New Jersey
1958 TR3A - TS23867L
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:50:43 -0700, Randall Young wrote:
Steve :
I can't believe you found even an aftermarket tach with no provisions
for lighting. Are there extra wires or contacts sticking out the back
? Smaller holes, perhaps ?
Tach mechanisms are pretty straightforward (well, compared to a clock
anyway <g>). Check out Tony Rhodes' article on repair at
There are places that will repair them (sorry, I don't have any links
handy), but bring lots of $$$.
If you can get the glass off (by turning the chrome bezel until the tabs
line up with the slots), then you can lift out the outer light diffuser
ring, undo the two screws on the back, and the mechanism should fall out
in your hand. If you are lucky, the replacement mechanism will fit in
it's place.
Stephen Peca wrote:
> The replacement tachometer - although looking to be an
> original - does not have the two tubular openings on the back to connect
> lights (when the headlights are lit). So, can I switch backings on the
> tachometers (and how do I do this)? Should I just rough it and use a
> flashlight at night to see the tacometer? Or should I try to get the
> original tachometer repaired, if possible (and where can I get this
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