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FW: FW: Spit Front Wheel Bearings

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: FW: FW: Spit Front Wheel Bearings
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 12:42:00 PDT
Encoding: 70 TEXT
Please see the thread below for explanation:

In answer to Doug's latest questions, let me explain further.  As to the 
direction of the felt part of the oil seal, if you are looking straight down 
on the front suspension from up above, both felt oil seals are facing 
inwards, toward the motor, NOT out towards the wheel hub.

The felt seal is the first thing that goes on the stub axle, so that the 
felt portion is the item resting against the front upright's machined 
surface.  Then come the inner bearings and race, then the hub, then the 
outer bearings, etc.  The oil seal does not go between the bearing and the 
hub.  If you did this the oil seal will not seal out dust, grime, water, 

To answer your last question, yes, the felt is attached to the metal part of 
the oil seal.  The reason I can tell that the oil seal is hanging up on the 
upright is because when installed properly (and with the wheel off) you can 
look down on the hub assembly and see the edge of the felt where it meets 
the upright.  When I spin the hub it doesn't rotate like the other one.

Anyways, hope this helps.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)
From: Doug Mitchell

On Sep 30, 11:53am, Vincenti, Ross wrote:
> Subject: FW: Spit Front Wheel Bearings

 Over the weekend, a member wrote:
OK, I finally replaced my front wheel bearings on Saturday, and
after driving the car yesterday, everything seems OK. One question
came up while I was installing the bearings though.
Which way 'round does the seal go? Felt to the bearing or felt to
the hub?
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
And Jonathan Miles replied:
Felt to hub is correct.  I've tried this both ways by mistake but
eventually found out that the latter is correct.
Okay, hate to argue, but I've went through (1) Bentley Manual, (2) Haynes
Manual and (3) an old Autopress Manual for early Spitfires and concluded
(based upon drawings and text) that the felt part butts up to the upright,
not to the hub bearing.  However, I do have one interesting difference on my
car.  On the left side the felt oil seal spins along with the hub bearing
and on the right side the felt oil seal stays stationary when I spin the
hub.  It appears that the felt is getting slightly hung up on the machined
face of the upright.  Any thoughts as to whether this is going to cause
problems later?
Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)
 -- End of excerpt from Vincenti, Ross

I originally asked this question this morning. When you say against the
upright, I think that you are refering to the same side as Jonathan is.
My question was does the felt side of the seal go against the bearing
or against hub. In writing that just now, I think I understand where
the miscommunication is. To make it easier, I should have asked if the
felt went towards or away from the bearing.  My understanding of Jonathan's 
answer is that it goes away from the bearing.  As to your question, I think 
that all you are going to see is failure of the felt. BTW, how do you know 
that the felt is getting hung up? Has it ripped away from the metal? The 
felt was attached to the metal on mine.

Doug Mitchell

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