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Re: black tuesday

To: thickosehaskel <>,
Subject: Re: black tuesday
From: Lena <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 06:38:32 -0700 (PDT)
 ...Cry "HAVOC!", and let slip the dogs of war;  That this foul deed shall 
smell above the earth, with carrion men, groaning for burrial.  -Shakespeare
  thickosehaskel <> wrote: Hi All, Yes it was tragic, but 
We All must keep a clear head about this. The
attack was very coordinated, extremely well planned and doing it's job, even
today! Wall St. shut down, long lines at the gas pumps reported, price gouging
by the suppliers, all aviation stopped, except military! They got us just
where they wanted to! Put terror and panic in this country, upset our way of
living. Hell I won't have a job if this keeps up! Half our planes stuck around
the country. Empty airliners get priority? Let's get back to normal, fast! And
then get their asses!
Quit canceling all events, schools and our way of life, or they'll have us
right were they want us! Keep going on, and remember the ones who had to pay
the ultimate price with your prayers or what ever. Don't let them succeed!
This could be a tough and long struggle. If it's Afghanistan, even worse.
Remember the horrors of war. This is a poem by R. Kipling from years ago, when
the British marched into there:
When wounded and dying in Afghanistan's plains
And the women come out to cut up what remains
Roll to your rifle, and blow out your brains
And go to your God like a soldier.

The Brits pulled back to India, the Nazi's came close, till the Soviet Army
got their sh@* together, and rolled them back thru Berlin.Then they went in
1979, and got their asses kicked, massed tanks and all. The Afghans live in
the mountains, might as well attack NORAD in the Colorado Rockies, just as
tough. Plus they are some BAD and ruthless M.F.'s,let alone Religous
We'll get them, just give it the time! This is just a bit of what the Brits
had to go through during the Blitz! They hung in there and kept their way of
Let's just hope our government won't detern all Islamic 's in this country
into camps, like we did the Japanese in WW2, our were no better than the
Nazi's. Keep a cool head ! Eddie

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