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RE: The "2nd Phase"

Subject: RE: The "2nd Phase"
From: "Kansa, Robert" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:29:36 -0400
I fully agree upon the fact that while we should take appropriate precautions 
for our own safety,
the answer is not to take away our own liberties..
And, mere words from us..and mere words of support from other nations..are not 
the answer.
Actions!, cold deliberate and long term and pointed to rid the 
world of this evil. 
I teach to my children that actions speak louder than words..
let us not "burn out" on actions that will come in days ahead..
the long term decisions and actions will be neccissary..
lets not become apathetic in weeks and months to come..let us not forget these 
days and put them behind us..
let us make this important..not just for now, but the future of ourselves and 
"those that do not learn by history, are doomed to repeat it"
i do not believe we should repeat these days..
While i hoist my new flag high in support..and display the colors on my 
racecars and transports,
they are symbols of the ACTIONS that need done..flags might not stop terror, 
but the rightous people that stand behind them can..
including actions by myself.
I heard a bagpipe playing "Amazing grace" on my truck radio as i passed under a 
bridge in Akron onto which someone was hanging a rather large flag onto.... 
i have work to do..

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