To all,
I received the following mail this morning from Judy Bishop, wife of Jim
Jim was the original owner and racer of my Stage V tuned Sprite that I
was to have raced at LeMans next year. The story of how I found Jim and
reunited him with the car is on the Team Thicko web site at
< >.
I'll be posting his snail mail address in a day or two.... but if you
get a chance, please drop him a line via his wife's e-mail address and
give him some encouraging words.
Team Thicko
I am Jim�s wife, Judy. I had tried to get the webpage about the Healy
and apparently didn�t have the correct address. Could you send it to me
Jim had a massive stroke in Oct. and was in Glenbrook Hospital for over
a week. Then they sent him to St. Therese Hospital for rehabilitation
for 6 weeks. The complications have been because of his post polio
syndrome. The stroke affected his left side- arm and leg and the left
field of vision of both eyes. The left side is the one that was affected
most by the polio. And that effects his rehabilitation because he can�t
see where he is supposed to move to or feel it either. He is home now
and is going to rehabilitation 5 days a week in Glenview.
You really gave him a thrill with his old Healy and he talks about it
Have a Happy New Year.
Judy Bishop