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Re: Turbulators

To: RBHouston@aol.com
Subject: Re: Turbulators
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 16:36:25 -0600
Cc: midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com, spridgets@autox.team.net
References: <4f.139928dc.29130495@aol.com> FILETIME=[8B83B950:01C16325]
It is just a dealer item, not Harley offered.  oh yeah, I fart in your
general direction!!

RBHouston@aol.com wrote:

> I deprecate on your swirling!
> Is this item from Harley or just a dealer...sounds like a dealer item
> and as you said "snake oil".  Ask your brother if the same Harley
> dealer had any gasoline pills.
> Robert Houston
> Santa Teresa, NM
> '74 Midget
> 63 TR4
> ..
>  "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and
>   saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the
>   infant's life without even considering if there are men on
>   base." - Dave Barry

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