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Re: Scrappage

To: maine2me@yahoo.com, nosimport@mailbag.com, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Scrappage
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 21:20:38 EDT
In a message dated 5/11/2000 8:23:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
maine2me@yahoo.com writes:

<<  can't beleave it!! My home state is turning into a
 communist block!!!!
 I never in a million years would think that Maine
 would enact such a law...especially FIRST!!! >>

I have trouble believing that myself--Maine is my favorite State to 
visit--Between it and New Hampshire, many excellent LBC roads, although I 
have never driven one there.  Just goes to show you the lack of intelligence 
that people keep electing to leadership roles in government.  Here in 
Tennessee, where the Republican (Yuk) Governer keeps crying about lack of 
budget money, and is trying to blackmail us into enacting an income tax, the 
Senate just yesterday defeated a plan to move toward a State Lottery--with 
all the Senate Republicans (pooh) voting AGAINST it and all or nearly all the 
Democrats voting for it!!

Regarding ignorant bills like that passed in Maine, it just goes to show us 
that we must stay vigilant and aware of what the nasty scoundrels are up to 
next!!    8^)

--David C.

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