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[Shotimes] okay this might sound a little weird

To: <>
Subject: [Shotimes] okay this might sound a little weird
From: "van Oss" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 10:35:31 -0500
Two of our cars are making squeaks and squeals but only while moving.  Not a 
sound when jounced while stationary.

Anyone got good ideas for tracking down suspension noises?

It occurred to me that maybe I could attach a magnet to an FRS radio, 
somehow tape down the "Transmit" button, put it under the car, then listen 
on another FRS radio while following in another car.  Move the sending radio 
and repeat as necessary to pin down where the noise is coming from.  Okay 
maybe it's harebrained, anyone got another idea?

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