Hey Don, Hey Bob, Hey David, Hey Phil, Hey Gang,
Gee! Whata surprise to see activity on the newsletters list!
What would be really helpful in newsletter prep would be if there were an
online library of general automotive--particularly sporty cars--articles that
could be borrowed WITH ATTRIBUTATION and used in the various club newsletters.
I am prepared to contribute to such an archive immediately if there is one.
Sure, most of us get tons of other newsletters in hard copy which we can
borrow material from WITH ATTRIBUTATION but it would be a whole lot easier
and faster if the material were online.
For some time now I have been putting the "meaty" stuff from our British
Motorcar Club of Southern New Mexico newsletter in a special website. I doubt
that any of that would be of much interest to anyone outside this area (no
technical content) but everyone is welcome to have a look. Go to >>>>>>>>>>
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/cobmeister/FrameSet3.html";>
I have also taken a stab at doing an online newsletter. See it, if you like,
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/MorgnF2Guy/NATrike.html";>
I know that the Texas MG Registry has an EXCELLENT online newsletter. Is
anybody on this list working on an online newsletter?
--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA
'65 Tiger MK1 & '66 Morgan Plus 4