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+4 Starters

Subject: +4 Starters
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:51:15 -0400
At 02:20 PM 9/15/99 -0400, ed herman wrote:

>I've got the bullet nose type, and the "clutch is not engaging" according
>to the locals.


  You say the "clutch is NOT engaging".  When you hit the ign. switch,
do you hear the starter spin up, but it doesn't crank then eng?

  If so, I won't sware to it, but try cleaning the bendix.  This is a very
common problem with the inertial type starters.  My 67 Spit used to do that
all the time (well about every 9 mo.)  Simply remove the starter and clean
the bendix down using a brush and a good solvent like varsol, etc.  Then 
wash it off with a hose (as much pressure as you can get).   According to my 
books there really isn't a clutch in the starter.  Check you my article on
starters on the Morgan web page (below).

Based on this discussion, I'm trying to update the "Starter" article.  But
it will be a few days before it is online.



>"John T. Blair" wrote:
>> At 08:16 AM 9/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> >Lorne,
>> >    I have a question for the panel.  I took the starter, from my 58
>> >DHC, a TR 3, to a well respected repair shop her in Baltimore. They have
>> >no records on and thing past the 1960s.  How do we get the old Morgan
>> >stuff repaired in original condition? What should we be looking for when
>> >we have a minor repair?
>> Ed,
>>   According to my TR3 manual your starter is a Lucas M418G and intertia
>> drive type (see article on starters on Morgan web page). There are 2
>> types the "eclipse" and the "S" types.  From what I can tell alot of the
>> parts for the casings are interchangable (but not the armatures).  The only
>> visable difference is that the "Eclipse" has a hood over the and the actual
>> drive mech is different.
>> The Brushes are Lucas 255659 (for both).  What do you need for it?  I don't
>> have any parts, but do have some info on them.
>> John


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
71 Saab Sonett III (71500840)    75 Bricklin SV1 (0887)    77 Spitfire


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