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Re: TD Heat shield / Vapor Lock

To: "Gene Gillam" <>, <>
Subject: Re: TD Heat shield / Vapor Lock
From: "Peter Thiel" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 23:02:53 -0400
Hi All,
    You'll probably have to use full screen for this, but here is a quick
copy of numbers from the Weather Channel for temperatures for Prospect, CT
compared to the numbers for London the Gene gave us. I thought it was
interesting. Take a look and you'll see it's not the average temperatures
that bother us at all. CT mean temp is lower than London average temp in
every case. (Let's not get our statistics books out here!) The Avg. High in
CT isn't that bad either, but it sure gets hot here in Connecticut in the
summer! I'm not sure how many years are included in this, if its just the
past year, or many years, but it becomes a case where the above average days
are what cause problems... where the difference between air temp and the
under-bonnet temp or even engine/radiator temp is not great enough to
effectively transfer heat to the surrounding air. Its the difference that
matters. Also how hard the engine has been worked before shutting it off for
a short stop.
Now if we can just keep the heat away from our carbs and fuel lines!
P.S. Did you ever notice how hot pavement is in the sun on a hot day? Add 20
or 30 degrees!

Connecticut                             London, Eng.
Month  Avg.   Avg.   Mean        Avg temp
           High    Low

Jan     340F   130F    240F       JAN     45
Feb    370F   150F    270F       FEB     45
Mar     460F   240F    360F       MAR    51
Apr     590F   330F    460F       APR     55
May    700F   430F    570F       MAY     62
Jun     780F   520F    660F       JUN      68
Jul      820F   580F    700F       JUL      72
Aug    800F   560F    690F       AUG     72
Sep    730F   490F    610F       SEPT   66
Oct     630F   380F    510F       OCT     58
Nov     510F  300F    410F        NOV     51
Dec    380F   200F    290F       DEC     47

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