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Wheel balancing

To: "mg-tabc" <>, "MMM List" <>, "MG-T LIST" <>
Subject: Wheel balancing
From: "Dave & Diana Dwyer" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:17:33 +1100
Reply-to: "Dave & Diana Dwyer" <>
Hi guys,

Thanks everyone for your comments on my wheel balancing puzzle. You confirmed
my doubts about the correctness of the result achieved.

We had a chance to road test the balance today and I think it is fair to say
that the cure is #much# worse than the disease!! The wheels are now
chronically out of balance, and the resultant vibration discourages speeds
over about 45 mph.

The reason for using this machine is that it has a proper splined hub adapter
so the wheel is accurately mounted: the fact that my friend would do the job
for nothing was a bonus. Now I'll strip off weights until the wheels are
statically balanced, and try again on the road. Maybe it is simply not
possible to dynamically balance a wheel of these dimensions (large diameter
and very narrow), especially as weights can't be placed on the out-facing

Anyway, that was the bad news for the day. the good news was that the (only
just) rebuilt engine in the J2 ran smoothly, with 60 psi hot and the temp
stabilised at 95 degrees (the ambient was well over 30C).

The very good news was that when our club run reached the airfield we drew
lots for a free joyflight donated by one of our members who has a plane . . .
AND I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!

I've just come back from half an hour in a Stearman biplane . . . that was so


Dave Dwyer
J2 (and she brought us home again too - about 140 Km round trip)

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