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Re: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)

Subject: Re: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 17:57:26 PDT

An old saying comes to mind: "People in glass houses should not throw 
stones". I equate it to roadsters as: "People who own sports cars should not 
drive slowly".

Now I am not advocating reckless driving- we should all know our limits. But 
spirited driving is what makes these cars so special. A lot of sports cars 
can be spirited, but there is a reason that the Vette just had to try and 
pass you: he just couldn't believe you could actually do it to him. Proving 
him wrong is one of the reasons I own my car. They always surprise everyone 
with their performance.

The price you pay is that you can get caught. To me it is worth it. I have 
had my share of chasing other sports car around. I know that when I get my 
car redone, I have a standing offer from Michael Carion to come up to BADROC 
country and get it on. I fully intend to outdrive him and his car. I know he 
will do everything he can to do the same to me. That is the fun and the 
challenge. So even though I am going to put a comp suspension, sway bar, 
panas, aluminum oil pan and baffle on my car, it also takes practice. If you 
want to drive faster safely, you have to practice it and do it well, not 
recklessly. That means opening the car up and taking turns, braking and 
accelarating, and enjoying it as much as you can.

I think your kids would applaud you rather than ridicule you. Life without 
chances just doesn't appeal.

Enjoy your car,

Andrew Murphy
67 2000 Solex
70 2000

>From: "Mark Gill" <>
>Reply-To: "Mark Gill" <>
>Subject: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)
>Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 23:49:21 GMT
>Hello List,
>Recently joined the list and acquired a 1970 SRL311 14359.  The white
>roadster was really in good shape when I bought it, but the engine did not
>run.  After purchasing, I had the car trucked from Northern California to
>Denton, Texas.  It was then (after reading all of the original owners
>documentation) that I discovered that it looks like the second owner hadn't
>driven the car for maybe 16-17 years.  With a local Nissan (Bankston 
>mechanic's expertise, the car was running in just a couple of hours, and I
>drove it home.
>Then the fun began.  Started to replace some of the hoses, gaskets, etc.
>that had deteriated due to age.  It seemed that for the next 3 months every
>time I drove it, something else would start leaking or not work due
>primarily to father time.  I have really become familiar with the parts
>books on line plus religously use the Roadster List Archives.  Thought 
>putting the PC in the garage, but didn't have a phone jack available.  I
>admit that I've printed well over a hundred postings from Thomas Walters,
>Gordon Glasgow, and many others from the Roadster's Achives (Thanks for
>sharing your knowledge and experience).
>One hot night (this is Texas), I had just replaced a set of sinking, gas
>leaking floats in the SU carbs.  Pretty easy job, and was feeling proud of
>my mechanical prowess ;-).  So I crank the roadster and she purrs and
>doesn't leak.  Decide to just drive her a few blocks and still no leaks.
>Drive her around Denton's town square and the exhaust noise echos bring 
>that Datsun Roadster grin to the proud driver (you know the feeling).  So I
>decide to really enjoy the ride and jump on I-35 going North away from
>The U20 is performing great.  The roadster has lots of get up and go and
>cruises effortlessly at 70 MPH.  The top is down and the miles fade quickly
>in the rear view mirror, as I keep a careful watch for any friendly State
>Troopers along the interstate.  After driving almost to Gainesville, TX 
>miles), I pull off the interstate, use my last few bucks to top off the
>tank, and look carefully for any leaks.  Not a single drop!  The buttons
>almost pop off my slightly greasy shirt.
>I turn south and head back to Denton.  As I bring the Roadster up to the
>legal speed limit (70MPH), my mind reflects on some recent postings about
>the Roadster's Top Speed.  It's after 11 PM. Traffic is pretty light.  This
>would be a good time to experiment.  Slight pressure with the right foot,
>and Oh yes, the Roadster agrees!!!  Quick glance to the speedo and 75, 80,
>and 85 are easy.  The tach says that the engine has not even started to
>breath hard.
>I look up again, and notice that the Roadster has just passed a new Bright
>Yellow Vette with chrome wheels.  The Corvette responds as I point the
>Roadster back to the Interstate's right hand lane.  The Corvette pulls
>alongside of the shiny off-white Roadster and carefully looks over the 
>30 year old Datsun.  After a thorough stare and another whiff of Datsun
>dust, the Corvette accelerates (Have you noticed how  Vettes hate to be
>passed by a 4 cylinder car).  My right foot requests the Roadster to
>respond.  The U20 four banger doesn't even grunt as we keep pace and
>accelerate past 90, 95, 100, 105, and Yes, Yes, Yes Oh Glory!  The little
>Roadster speedo just grins and says Hello!! to 110 MPH.  The tach is no
>where close to red line, but this feels like the end of the get up and go.
>Have to watch the road now, because those mile markers are moving kind of
>fast.  I take a long glance over to the Corvette and try not to grin too 
>:-).  We just top a small rolling hill, and I look down the road to insure
>that the road is all clear.  And there is the biggest Texas State Trooper
>Car just pulling across the interstate medium.  His blinking lights 
>and dust from his rear tires boils out, as he watches two fools in sports
>cars blow by in excess of 100MPH going south.
>I try to slow down without hitting my brakes, and I turned very pale, kind
>of an off white to match my Roadster.  The Yellow Vette takes off with
>everything he has left.  The State Trooper flashes his spot light across 
>little white Datsun, and I tried to remember how to look innocent.  Then
>thankfully, the Trooper floored it to go after that Really Big Yellow Fish
>still blowing and going.  I watched with a slightly smaller grin, as the
>flashing lights disappeared over the next hill.  Now, I may understand what
>goes through the mind of a small fish, that is caught but thrown back to
>grow some more.
>I drive the rest of the way home making sure that I am at least 5 miles
>under the legal limit.  I am filled with mixed emotions:
>1.  Guilty that I was having so much fun, while acting like a kid.
>2.  Thankful that I do not have to explain to my three teenage drivers how
>their balding father got such a ridiculous speeding ticket.
>3.  Proud of how this 30 year old Datsun still had real performance guts.
>4.  Thoughtfulness as I try to figure what Top Speed could be with a
>complete Solex kit??
>Lurking and enjoying the ride,
>Mark Gill
>SRL311 14359
>Denton, Texas
>Thanks again to everyone for the technical info and encouragement that
>passes through the list!!!!


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