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Re: why turn signal on left?

To: Matt Peterson <>
Subject: Re: why turn signal on left?
From: Kyle Hagemann <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 16:59:40 -0700 (PDT)
On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Matt Peterson wrote:

> I've been meaning to ask this question for a long time.  Why is the turn 
> signal lever on the right side of the wheel?

because it was born there;-)  It's kinda strange, huh?  Especially as they
moved the hood prop to the driver's side for easier LHD use.  Odd, but I
actually prefer it on the right side - keep that left hand on the
steerage!  The only down side is when I get in my wife's Max - I go to
signal, and <<WIPE/WIPE/WIPE>>  :-)

> One other question.  My car has been having a tough time idling right.  When 
> it idles it will idle lower and lower the longer it sits at idle until it 
> eventually stalls.  So right now I have it idling at around 1500rpm.  Today 
> I noticed that there was gas leaking out of the throttle shafts of the 
> carbs.  Is it possible to get new bushings or something for this?

You can't really do a whole lot for 'em at that point - a good rebuild is
a start, make sure that the needles and seats close properly, etc.  You
can put a blob of sealant over the outboard bushings, but the inners you
have to live with.

You can get the carbs re-shafted/re-bushed, but it's not cheap.

My '69 2000 doesn't idle very well either - in my case, it's largely due
to a worn distributor - the vacuum advance plate gets notchy with age, and
the mechanical advance springs wear out.  My solution - a "performance"
(read: non-smog) distributor (still en'route, so I dunno if it'll work or

You can take your dist out and clean it up - it's pretty obvious.  Just be
sure to leave the dist body in place, and remove only the vac/cent advance
units.  IT'll be easier to put back together.


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