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RE: MSD install help

To: Datsun Roadsters - Post List <>,
Subject: RE: MSD install help
From: Jim Tyler <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 13:29:43 -0400
From:   William  Hatfield[]
Sent:   Sunday, July 18, 1999 12:40 PM
To:     Daniel Neuman; Datsun Roadsters - Post List
Subject:        Re: MSD install help

  2.  I think you want to use the magnetic trigger wires.  I'm not real familiar
with the Petronics unit so read the really good instructions that came with the 
unit to be sure.

NO!   You use the point connections.  The Pertronix pulls the MSD trigger to 
just like a set of points does!  The red Pertronix  and the MSD power wire goes 
to ignition ON. 
The Pertronix Black goes to the MSD points trigger wire.

Connect the coil to the MSD wires as shown in the MSD directions.

Jim Tyler

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