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Re: MGB jack

Subject: Re: MGB jack
From: (Allen Bachelder)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 12:37:14 -0500
In message <> Allen Bachelder writes:
> >SOLs,
> >        Nigel cudgel, my MGB needs a jack . . .
> >        Lew Dove
> Lew -
> You don't actually USE one of those jacks do you? . . .

And TeriAnn Wakeman responds:

I have one & it works fine thanks. . .

Lew, TeriAnn, et al:

I don't mean to impugn the  MGB jack.  In my experience it works very well
- providing you don't forget and try to open the door while it is in place
(and I know that sounds dumb but I've heard of it).  My concern  - and I
believe this  was also articulated by John Twist - is that unless you KNOW
the condition of your MGB's inner sills and jack point reinforcements,
using the jack on a rainy night 60 miles from home is a crumby way to find
out. I've seen some perfectly healthy LOOKING outer sills start to buckle
under the stress of these jacks.  Granted - the sills need replacing anyway
- but if you subscribe to any part of the quip that "ignorance is bliss",
using the factory jack can spoil your whole day.  What's more, if you're on
the  road, you may discover there's no way to change that tire without at
least some cosmetic damage, and possibly not being able to close the door

I have no particular attachment to scissors jacks - except mine which I
purchased for my first car - a '37 Plymouth - and which has been faithful
to me through about 50 cars over the past 39 years.  In fact, I didn't mean
to recommend the scissors variety - but I do recommend carrying a safe,
reliable alternative to the factory jack (and I'm open to suggestions - the
scissors jack and crank take up alot of room in the boot).

Of course if you just had your sills completely replaced (along with the
reinforcements - and how many body shops know these things even exist?) you
may feel perfectly comfortable using the factory jack.  But just remember,
the inner sills often rust out before any evidence shows up on the outside.
Sure the jack worked fine last time, but...

Thanks for the podium.  I'm done now.

Allen Bachelder

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