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Re: UPS Alert

Subject: Re: UPS Alert
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 19:51:10 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jeremy Rine <> wrote:
> "You have to wonder -- what kind of kick do the
> fools who start these
> get out of this?"
> FedEx Employees hiding in the bushes watching people
> ask the UPS drivers to show proof of their 
> employment.

Well now we know how Jeremy's mind works. ;-) Makes
you wonder if he has an alter ego? Well Jeremy if you
do I have a request, can you pen an email that will
scare people into turning off their mobile phones
while they drive? You could make up some fictitious
organization like the DoRIiA division of the FCC
(Department of Radio Integrity in Automobiles). DoRIiA
could site some research based on actual science such
as whatever incident that lead to the FAA requiring
passengers to turn off their pagers and mobile phones.
You could also work in some far fetched Star Trek
science that sounds plausible to the average soccer
mom (something linking the risk of TVF (total vehicle
failure) to the size of the vehicle you drive...
(here's the angle... the chassis of larger SUV's
amplifies and reflects mobile phone emissions back
into the car where they can interfere with the
vehicles computer that controls braking)).

I can dream.

Cheers, Joe

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