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Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here

To:, Pat Kelly <>,
Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 11:33:53 -0500
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Lolita and Mike

"Still can't fathom why anyone would figure that Region is entitled to the
site fund."

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

The TH funding plan/scheme was invented by Tom McCarthy, the RE in 1989 and
chief instigator of TH. It amounted to a $50 surcharge on each road race
        Mr. McCarthy came to a Solo II Steering Committee meeting and told
us we should plan ahead for our own site and encouraged us to install a $5
surcharge. NOW!
        It was Mr. McCarthy's idea for the Solo II Site Fund, therefore he
thinks it belongs to him. If you disagree with that thought, I suggest you
seek him out and verify the thought. He most likely will phrase it to say
"It's the whole  region's money." This is called being disengenuous.
        What Mr. McCarthy did not tell the Solo II people is he wanted
money was to go into the Region's race track for a dual purpose paddock
which, as noted before, worked out it would be busy all the time and thus
not available for us.
        He still thinks it's his money and at the most recent regional
board meeting he inquired what it would take to withdraw the Site funds,
i.e. how many and whose signatures.
        He claims it's part of his "fiduciary responsibilities."

        Hope that tells you something about the situation.

--John Kelly 

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