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Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here

To: Lolita and Mike <>
Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 08:10:18 -0800
Because the region owns all the assets that is under its charter name,
San Francisco Region of SCCA. All of the Region's chapters (Fresno,
Sacramento, Thunder Hill, and the Solo 2 Steering Committee) are under
the region charter.

Lolita and Mike wrote:
> on 10/26/02 20:24, Pat Kelly at wrote:
> > The region's racing drivers, through increased entry fees, put up the
> > bucks for Thunderhill, plus many who contributed various sums.
> > The only dollars that Solo 2 puts into the region's coffers are our dues
> > money. Nothing else. If any solo 2er helped get Thunderhill going, it was
> > done privately with individual contributions.
> > I have never expected the region to put any money into our site. When
> > the whole TH idea was started, the first site looked at was a little south
> > of Crows Landing. We were asked if we'd like to have part of the site for
> > our autocross area, separate from the paddock, so it could be used at the
> > same time. That made sense.
> > But, that site went belly up, and so did the next one. When TH came up,
> > it was too far away, and the region's management of that era wanted the Solo
> > 2ers dollars to pave the paddock. The idea was we could use the paddock for
> > autocrosses. A good race track has to be putting on races in order to
> > survive, so the paddock idea was turned down by the Solo 2 contingent
> > because 1) we wouldn't be able to use except in the off season and 2) it was
> > too far away to attract enough folks to even have a solo 2 program.
> > Does that help clarify? :)
> Well, yes and no.
> Much clearer on the original funding for TH.
> Still can't fathom why anyone would figure that Region is entitled to the
> site fund.
> Thanks for the clarification though.
> MJ
> > --Pat K
> >
> > ----------
> >> From: Lolita and Mike <>
> >> To: <>, <>
> >> Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
> >> Date: Sat, Oct 26, 2002, 8:25 PM
> >>
> >
> >> on 10/26/02 9:31, at wrote:
> >>
> >>> I'm not sure what you would have the BoD do to help us with our site
> >>> situation, but if there was something they could do, I'd bet that they
> >>> would.
> >>>
> >>> Charlie Davis
> >>
> >> Charlie
> >> Did I missing something?
> >> While I wasn't around at the time, it has been my understanding that the
> >> Region put up the money for TH.
> >> Is that incorrect?
> >> If not incorrect, the next logical question would have to be," wasn't SOLO
> >> II paying into the Regions coffers then?"
> >> If SOLO did help them buy TH, why shouldn't we expect them to help us buy a
> >> permanent site?
> >> ( I don't even want to get started about a viable site, a plan, et al right
> >> now. This is simply a philosophical question about support Vs thinking 
> >> grabbing the $$ and running)
> >> MJ

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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