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RE: Crows Landing :((((

To:, "Talley, Brooks" <>,
Subject: RE: Crows Landing :((((
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 12:10:47 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by "Talley, Brooks"

"I've been to a
bunch of SCCA "street schools" at thunderhill and found that they were
about like driving on 101 in rush hour; maybe 50 cars at a time on a 2
or 3 mile course (depending on configuration; even 50 cars on the full
3.2 mile course is a bit much - ~340 feet per car, assuming equal"
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

The Thunderhill Street Schools are the presentation of Thunderhill, not
SCCA San Francisco Region. 
        If you are not happy with their presentation, take your case to the
Thunderhill management or even its owner, SCCA-SFR.
        Or do as you've done, vote with your feet. 
        I think you've already figured out what to do.

        BTW, I hope you vote for Pete and the two Daves in the SFR
election. That might even improve the quality of Thunderhill Street

        We'll have to get into the various causes and effects later.

--John Kelly

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