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Re: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted

Subject: Re: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted
From: Jerry Brown <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 16:49:35 -0800
We might all do well to step back a moment and realize that in the Bay
Area we have more (and more variety) of motorsport events than just
about anywhere... I remember chatting with someone "Back East" about
running 50+ autocross events one year, and 25+ track events the next,
and he was speechless!

There are bound to be schedule collision, site preferences, personality
conflicts, etc., etc. It's up to us, as individuals, to make decisions
based on our own priorities - such a privilege!

We should all be thankful for the efforts of John and his peers in the
other autocross orgs. 

Just my $0.02

-jerry wrote:
> There are no other dates for us
> to switch to.  We compete with a lot of other events at Oakland.  We're the
> small potatoes.  I don't see how we could better serve the members, frankly.

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