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Re: A-Mod

Subject: Re: A-Mod
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 01:00:23 EST
In a message dated 12/24/99 4:56:05 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< >  The
 > purpose of the 'consolidation and restructuring rule' is to eliminate
 > undersubscribed classes as defined by their participation levels at the 
 > II Nationals.
 No argument on that point. The wording, however, seems to rule out total
 exclusion of a previously legal car from the sport. Without that option,
 how do you deal with an undersubscribed AM? >>

As I recall the discussion that created the subject rule, the wording was 
carefully chosen so something other than elimination could be pursued for the 
cars in the undersubscribed class.  But the class was going away and there 
was no guarantee the cars that populated it wouldn't require 
significant/costly changes to compete elsewhere.  Combining AP/FP again 
(which actually eliminated AP and renamed FP AP...) required few changes 
since the cars used to compete together.  When DM was in danger it could have 
required something more than just the weight adjustment the AP Lotus 
eventually received to move someplace else.  That would have been a difficult 
situation to address, much as the AM issue seems to be.

However, let's assume that karts had made it as a national class and then 
became undersubscribed for 2 years in a row.  Would it make sense to combine 
something so different as karts with another class?  Or would it make more 
sense to eliminate them.  In my opinion this analogy is closer to what the 
cars in AM face than what happened to AP/FP.  

If you're thinking that AM could be 'reconstructed', that could change it 
enough to essentially make it a NEW class couldn't it?  We would be changing 
its rules in order to widen it's appeal (and MAYBE attract new cars very 
different in some significant ways to the cars the class has currently 
evolved into). 

Since the rule was adopted that spelled out how undersubscribed classes would 
be eliminated (around the time FM was a supplemental class at nationals) what 
new class has achieved national status without a trial period (or 
supplemental class status) at a Solo II Nationals?  So far none.  

If there's nothing to consolidate AM with, and IF the SEB follows past 
precedence for creation of a new class with a NEWLY Reconstructed AM, then 
isn't it entirely possible that the current cars in AM would cease to have 
any class to race in, at least until it earned national status again?  

The point of all of this is this.  The elimination of AM (along with the cars 
that populate it now) is at least a real possibility if the numbers aren't 
there next year to support it.  There is only one way to be sure this doesn't 
happen, and that's to see the class have adequate numbers next year at 
nationals.  None of the other ideas, no matter how good or bad, come with any 
guarantees like showing up with enough numbers does.  Especially those ideas 
involving rule changes (as the allowance of more than 2 drivers per car 

AM is the easiest class to fill with cars.  Virtually any currently classed 
car can run there (a road race legal Neon compteted there a couple of years 
ago).  Therefore I maintain my position that if it's undersubscribed next 
year AM and its cars deserves to go (to help make room for the other new 
classes coming on board).  However, I'm taking all bets that there will be 
plenty of cars next year to put it back in good graces with the rule book.

Bruce (Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays) Dickey 

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