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Re: A-Mod

To: "Team Net submission" <>
Subject: Re: A-Mod
From: "Joe +ACY- Susan Cheng" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 01:13:17 -0800
Just a few comments:

1)   To design and build an AM car from scratch takes time. I think it took
George over 2 years to build his white car. It took me 3 solid years with
lots of help from a team of very capable people. Bill Goodale proved that it
can be done in 2 years with a fast and dedicated builder. These cars don't
happen over weeks or months but years. It will take a few years before
competitive new ones will appear since you can't go out and buy one. The
lack of entry in AM is due to a lack of available cars, not a lack of
available drivers. SCCA should monitor the situation for a few years rather
than getting concerned over a one year entry number.

2)   To correct the lack of available car problem in the short term (or
longer term), SCCA should consider allowing more than two drivers sharing an
AM car. For a small class like AM, a third or fourth driver in a few cars
could make a big difference. I know I have no problem finding volunteer
drivers for my car. I am sure a lot of the FSAE teams would love to put more
team members into their cars.

3)   AM, in my view, is a class to showcase what is possible in the sport of
autocrossing. Look at the best and the fastest cars in roadracing and
rallying. They have been pushing the envelope for years, every year. The
three latest generation 2-stroke AM cars (ex-Bowland's, Phantom and Dragon)
is the first mass attempt to produce purpose built true autocross racers.
Any change in class structure and rules could easily curb this trend before
it has a chance to mature.

4)   The Phantom will be at Topeka next year.

5)   The +ACQ-100,000 figures quoted by some of you guys, is that in U.S. or
Canadian dollars???

Have a Merry Christmas.


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