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Total 705 documents matching your query.

241. Re: Mechanical question (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 22:57:20 -0700
I always love a puzzle, so I'll give this one a try; although if I'm right your friend may not be all that grateful after all. I hate to be the pessimist, but it seems to me that the low compression
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00100.html (8,509 bytes)

242. RE: CA Law on Front License Plate (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 23:21:04 -0700
I agree that California law doesn't make sense. But it is, nonetheless, perfectly clear on this point. If you are issued two plates, you have to put one on the front and the back. If you get just on
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00101.html (8,058 bytes)

243. Re: Front Plate - Input & Innuendo (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 11:13:44 -0700
We all realize that getting a nuisance ticket like this can be more than a little irritating, so we can well understand your response to what was only an attempt at humor by Scott and me. I'm pretty
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00107.html (8,431 bytes)

244. Re: SUNI III. (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 18:15:38 -0700
I just want to add my thanks for the great photos you posted. Not the same as being there, but a whole lot better than just wondering. BTW, I can tell from the picture of (your ??) car overheating t
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00111.html (8,238 bytes)

245. Re:'s hot out there (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:21:28 -0700
I have a generally good impression about Red Line products and use their synthetic oils in my transmission and differential. I have on a couple of occasions in the past used WaterWetter, although I
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00164.html (8,833 bytes)

246. Re: Air Filters (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:51:37 -0700
You've inspired me to add one more parameter to our acceleration tests Tim: with and without air filter. Maybe with and without stub stack too. I have a Holley #1860 600 cfm. I removed the choke ass
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00194.html (9,043 bytes)

247. Re: Air Filters (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 22:48:46 -0700
Thanks so much for the great reply. I just love reading about this kind of stuff. I can see that I need to add a couple of runs with a bigger carb to the tests too. And also measuring the manifold v
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00206.html (7,502 bytes)

248. Re: New Carb's (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 10:03:54 -0700
I took a look at the Holley Excelerator and it sure looks impressive. I'm not familiar with the dominator either, so "Idle and highspeed air bleeds on the pre fuel emulsifcation circuits" is new ter
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00214.html (8,246 bytes)

249. Re: Air Filters (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 11:38:53 -0700
Thanks for the tip. I'll give them a call. Bob Robert L. Palmer UCSD, Dept. of AMES 619-822-1037 (o) 760-599-9927 (h)
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00219.html (7,849 bytes)

250. Re: Classic Car Insurance (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 12:32:20 -0700
My condolences on your bad luck Allan. As they say: "There, but for the grace of God, go I." All of us who know you, know what a "nice cooperative guy" you are. Unfortunately, unless your a lot bett
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00230.html (12,721 bytes)

251. RE: Classic Car Insurance (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 15:22:30 -0700
I've heard they have toughened the rules relative to driving school; e.g., don't they also fine you now as well as the $75 or whatever for the "school"? Also, I don't know why I would know this ;-)
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00235.html (9,817 bytes)

252. Re: INQUIRY 071699A (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 14:08:25 -0700
I believe Larry's reaction was similar to mine, but I resisted the temptation to "go physicist" and point out the requirement that all forces are in balance; i.e., flexible though the air dam might
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00282.html (7,846 bytes)

253. Re: 289 Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:06:03 -0700
Steve, Tym, et Listers, Oh boy, let's get technical!! It looks like we've got two issues going here, balancing and vibration damping, that are getting a bit mixed up. The Ford Windsor and many other
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00331.html (11,712 bytes)

254. Re: inquiry 072699a (#12) (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:30:27 -0700
Thanks for the informative post. Glad to hear you're feeling well enough to undertake this work, especially considering the heat and humidity. I won't torture you with the weather report from Sundye
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00357.html (16,766 bytes)

255. Re: Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:52:17 -0700
Armand, Tym, et Listers, Anybody out there running the Fluidampr?? Don't know about the 3 vs. 4 bolt issue. They have a Web page with some (somewhat biased) FAQ's about dampers. Their URL is: http://
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00358.html (8,415 bytes)

256. Re: Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 10:26:51 -0700
Tony, Steve, et Listers, It's always dangerous, but fun to speculate on just what those crazy Ford engineers were thinking with regard to various changes they made. For example, the different firing
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00361.html (10,717 bytes)

257. Re: Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:30:01 -0700
Glad to pass on the URL. Yes these suckers are expensive, although they have the Street version for about $150. And, it looks like these prices are comparable with stock replacement units. I almost
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00363.html (9,592 bytes)

258. Re: Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:00:53 -0700
Jim, et Listers, I'm sure you are right Jim. After lo these many years I guess I have become a bit confused about where this piece actually goes. So, if it does go on the crankshaft, then what in hel
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00369.html (9,111 bytes)

259. Re: Harmonic Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 21:48:49 -0700
I don't wonder at your wondering about us Chris, so here's something to make you wonder even more. Now I don't claim to be any expert at engine balancing, but it makes no sense whatsoever that all o
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00378.html (9,390 bytes)

260. Re: Won't Start (score: 1)
Author: Bob Palmer <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:12:46 -0700
Poor grounding is very often the cause of electrical problems. I would check the battery ground cable first; make sure it's got a good connection to the chassis. If you have a voltmeter, it can help
/html/tigers/1999-07/msg00410.html (8,994 bytes)

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