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References: [ +from:GuyWeller@aol.com: 46 ]

Total 46 documents matching your query.

1. Re: BugEye Redux (Long) (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 09:39:47 EDT
I'd love to have it too, but the cars on the wrong continent ... ! Guy
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00123.html (7,004 bytes)

2. Wet Carpets - Removable seats ?? (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 09:39:49 EDT
I agree with others that the floor carpets must be removable. Mine get wet so often I cut slits in the carpets that go under the seat. The slits line up with the seat runners and extend from the fro
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00124.html (7,226 bytes)

3. Re: bugeye 500 miles (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:33:17 EDT
Chris, you really should provide a Gant for that, just to help the rest of us along. Also not quite clear which tasks are FBS. Please define the CP! Guy
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00246.html (7,159 bytes)

4. Woes and dissapointments ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:02:24 EDT
Today should have been a good day. Today I was hoping to start the Sprite. First time following an extended 9 year rebuild. Forgot to make the required offerings to MOWOG so instedad of starting I ju
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00427.html (7,170 bytes)

5. Re: Tyres (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:45:17 EDT
My understanding of metric sizes is this. The first figure (135, 145 185 or whatever) is the nominal tread width in millimeters. The second figure is the height of the side wall expressed as a percen
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00429.html (8,467 bytes)

6. Re: Tyres (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:45:26 EDT
My understanding of metric sizes is this. The first figure (135, 145 185 or whatever) is the nominal tread width in millimeters. The second figure is the height of the side wall expressed as a percen
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00430.html (8,460 bytes)

7. Wow !! not Woe ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 08:50:44 EDT
Its starts ! Turned the key this time and it fired up instantly ! No hesitation or labouring starter motor, just straight into life. I've been away for 4 days, and then thismorning thought I would ha
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00667.html (7,150 bytes)

8. Front suspension thoughts (again!) (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 06:01:52 EDT
Spent some while recently lying under the front of my sprite, just looking and thinking - as one does from time to time. Two ideas : Firstly is there a modification to replace that threaded bolt / gr
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00026.html (8,482 bytes)

9. Re: Front suspension thoughts (again!) (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 14:24:05 EDT
I am inclined to agree with you about redesigning the suspension parts, as I said, I was just lying there and contemplating. I last rebuilt the outer pivot points (refurbished wishbone, new pivot pi
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00110.html (7,620 bytes)

10. Almost a sandwich ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 15:01:22 EDT
I was out in the Midget thisafternoon when I caught up with a stationery queue of traffis on a narrow (2 lane) and twisty bit of road. Being at the back of the queue and just round a blind corner I h
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00111.html (7,557 bytes)

11. Re: Almost a sandwich ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 23:21:01 EDT
Thanks to all for the friendly comments about this. OK I was lucky to escape. One is so vulnerable in these little cars, I think in a collision with a bicycle I would come off worst !! OTOH I do beli
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00153.html (7,193 bytes)

12. Head By-pass ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 12:16:36 EDT
This could have been brain by-pass! I have just found that the short metal tube fixed to the head in my 1275 Sprite, that the rubber by-pass hose fits to, is badly coroded and I am pretty sure won't
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00203.html (7,052 bytes)

13. Clutch slave sizes (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:33:48 EDT
Can someone confirm the Internal Diameter of the correct clutch slave cylinder for a '71 Sprite? The one on my car is 7/8" , but all 4 of the parts suppliers I have tried for new seal sets insist on
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00552.html (6,917 bytes)

14. Fuel lines- Thanks ! (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 17:47:37 EDT
Just to say thanks to Daryl, Frank, Chuck, Martin and others who helped out with info on the fuel line route for my ' 71. I can work through all that. I think after your various comments I will fit t
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00173.html (6,874 bytes)

15. Cylinder Head Capacity (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 16:51:35 EDT
Has anyone actually tried to measure the combustion chamber capacity ? In David Vizard's book he sets out a way of mewasuring cylinder head capacity by fillling with light oil from a burette (pipette
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00350.html (8,059 bytes)

16. Cylinder Head replies (longish) (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 16:04:47 EDT
Hey, thanks folks, so many replies, and 'cos I get easily confused as to who suggested what, I will not reply to each in turn, but to the "list" in general. Thanks to each and everyone though. David
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00378.html (9,753 bytes)

17. Tension (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:52:51 EDT
There dosn't seem to be any means of tensioning the camshaft drive chain on my 1275 (dual sproket type) Am I missing something ? Guy
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00426.html (6,513 bytes)

18. Cam Timing (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 07:39:41 EDT
I am trying to set up my Camshaft timing -- HELP !!! First time for me! Usually put everything together,lining up timing marks and all is OK. This time am using a dial guage to determin TDC and max c
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00621.html (8,199 bytes)

19. Another Spridget joke (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 16:09:26 EDT
A man with a big Rolls Royce (or a stretched limo if you prefer) is driving along on a hot, hot day when he passes this little car, bombing along, top down, with the cooling breeze blowing through th
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00633.html (7,879 bytes)

20. Re: Cam Timing (score: 1)
Author: GuyWeller@aol.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 16:09:23 EDT
Daryl, Thanks for the reply. Having spent most of the day (it has been raining !) fixing up this engine I now feel that at least I understand what this timing thing is all about. First point about th
/html/spridgets/1998-07/msg00634.html (8,306 bytes)

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