--==5607808630256174306== --001a114ac04087473f0540cf66be Inch Make sure your battery isn't just out of water. I have a 2007 Yamaha TW200, and was having starting problems with the original battery -
--==3368312104224838146== --001a113f6d16b4e6ee0541d1ecb2 Another vote for the BatteryMinder units. I have a 2/4/8A 12V unit (model 12248), and it has been great. Adapts to different battery types as
--==8820620437367412296== --94eb2c059cf6cb089e0543284b9b Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Why was the heater red-tagged? Can't it be repaired? -Peter buy another =80=99s --94eb2c059cf6cb08
--==8374813747166423006== --000000000000ca19cc0577bd1940 In cleaning out the garage/shop of my recently-deceased father-in-law, i ran across two pairs of P215/70/R15 tires. They're bagged and unmount
--==4828940057479983270== --000000000000cdcc950577cbe8b3 All The passenger tires with which I'm considering replacing the current truck tires are smaller in every dimension, though not by a great dea
--==8379063124487141203== --00000000000027a09c0577cc97a1 I just imaged a workstation this morning with Windows 7 Enterprise - last patches were applied in 2012. It took several hours (50Mbit internet
--==5983867960150442708== --000000000000385ad30577d4aef4 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I know this is shop-talk, not pickup-sales-talk, but pictures are here <http://pete.net/photos/ind
--==0819684060395903020== --000000000000371fbf05782f7c32 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Nolan I have no problems doing anything with Windows 7 on the variety of PCs (and bootcamp Macs) I
--==1770966134191033019== --000000000000ed254405a7883031 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I saw the prior thread where Pat gave several suggestions. Jim - If you hook your multi-meter to t
--==4193179419679735522== --00000000000069c2f205a8dd8d65 I had a Fumoto on my 2005 Subaru Outback XT, and every mechanic who changed the oil loved it. Never had any leaking or other issues. I did ord
--==5212517872111619156== --00000000000077782305a8ffaf2d I don't use any battery operated fans, but I would probably look at a USB-powered fan, and use it with a USB battery pack (or a jump-start pac
--==7151988664053303930== --000000000000d619c305a9cac743 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I live in the woods in Northern Virginia, and we have similar issues with mosquitoes. I take great
--==8631013560700223316== --00000000000061787d05aa1d27a8 In addition to spraying, take a look at Preen Weed Preventer. It is very effective at preventing germination, so the weeds never appear. -Pete
--==1586605074124634887== --0000000000006d89f905aae912bb Conference bridge services probably wouldn't satisfy the privacy requirements that your hearings have. How many people simultaneously? Is ther
--==1457596724881818403== --0000000000002fa81405aba9ee2b Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable My solution is to have a switch in-line with the thermostat, in our upstairs hallway. When I don't
--==2092961061021818255== --000000000000cea7d605abc61e93 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bruce Thanks for the tip. I hadn't thought about any rating further than the typical residential l
--==8359149839190890031== --0000000000001139f905abc63550 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Most auto-parts places should have them for about $10. My local O'Reily's has them for $9.99. No w
--==6487753095795084432== --000000000000564a5a05abe9a6d1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bob Sadly, I suspect you're correct on the origin of the legit Lisle tool. I was just indicating t
--==2116946884302891020== --0000000000005ed85c05af480d05 --0000000000005ed85b05af480d04 "You think with a financial statement like this you can have the duck?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1IRqqp
--==0437460746237344962== --0000000000000c615805af6f2b1f When I read the article, it appeared to me that this shutdown is just of their manufacturing facilities in Williamsport, PA, not Shop-Vac as a