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Total 42 documents matching your query.

1. Beer Cooler (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:45:55 -0500
This link was posted to the 6-Pack list. (no, in this case 6-Pack is a club for Triumph TR6 and 250) A guy in NZ uses a propane powered jet engine to cool his beer. Quite the shop project. http://www
/html/shop-talk/2002-10/msg00080.html (6,919 bytes)

2. Baby food jars (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 05:08:37 -0500
I have a six-month-old boy at home and a HUGE pile of empty baby food jars aching to do something creative. Okay, I know the old stuff about keeping small parts. You attach the lid to something and p
/html/shop-talk/2002-08/msg00154.html (7,653 bytes)

3. RE: Baby food jars (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 21:09:12 -0500
Thanks for the ideas for the jars. I have lots of small formula cans and old 35mm movie film tins for small parts. It looks like I have a date with the recycle center. PS My wife was told that they m
/html/shop-talk/2002-08/msg00168.html (7,542 bytes)

4. RE: Retractable air hose reels (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 02:04:17 -0500
I'm sorry, I havn't been following this thread too close. I mounted my retactable air hose, drop light, and extension cord from above. they are near the middle of the garage (between the cars). This
/html/shop-talk/2002-08/msg00272.html (8,571 bytes)

5. Dumpster Diving (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 22:50:16 -0500
I made fair money in high school by picking up junk mowers on big junk pickup days (2X per year). I would part out the bad ones and fix the others. I got $25 - $50 for running mowers. Spring was a go
/html/shop-talk/2002-05/msg00070.html (7,317 bytes)

6. Re: Magnetic water? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:37:04 -0600
I thought the "trick" setup was cow magnets! BTW I went to a doctor visit a while back with a refrigerator magnet wrapped in the bandage. He was genuinely amused. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/html/shop-talk/2002-04/msg00037.html (8,225 bytes)

7. Saturn radio help? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 11:20:54 -0600
Does any body know how to get the radio out of my '97 Saturn? The radio slowly died and I would like to replace it (or fix it). I bet there is an easy way to get the radio out and in. Also, does anyb
/html/shop-talk/2001-09/msg00067.html (6,898 bytes)

8. A bubble flaring tool that works ? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 08:30:03 -0600
Just for fun, take a look at the metric brake lines at the autoparts store. Many of them have a bubble flare that might work for you. The metric line is the same size as the line you are using, just
/html/shop-talk/2001-07/msg00083.html (8,130 bytes)

9. Re: weed trimmers (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:41:14 -0600
I have one that I got from a HQ going out of business sale for cheap. It's a little heavy, but it's quiet! (I like that) The engine is very neat! It's overhead valve with tiny little valves under a
/html/shop-talk/2001-06/msg00017.html (8,667 bytes)

10. Re: Finding a vacuum leak (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 16:04:12 -0600
Do you Golf? If you think that it's a device that has a vacuum leak, you can replace the hose with a new one and plug the end with a bright colored golf tee. For example, if you think the vacuum adva
/html/shop-talk/2001-05/msg00059.html (8,486 bytes)

11. RE: Anybody out there? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:00:37 -0600
Has been kind of quiet. I just got a floor jack from a yard sale. $40. Has good lift and goes low enough to get under my Triumph. Brian Borgstede /// /// mailing list ///
/html/shop-talk/2001-04/msg00022.html (7,342 bytes)

12. Re: rags (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:39:49 -0600
Old towels are the BEST! They handle spills well and general clean-ups. First they are used for sweat rags. next they wash the car. next they clean the Goop off my hands. next they go to light clean-
/html/shop-talk/2001-04/msg00130.html (8,043 bytes)

13. I saw the neatest thing! (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 13:01:28 -0600
I was looking through a Hot VW type magazine the other day and saw the neatest thing! It's a kit you buy to make a high volume air compressor from a VW engine. The kit includes a special camshaft tha
/html/shop-talk/2001-03/msg00007.html (7,333 bytes)

14. RE: I saw the neatest thing! (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 14:05:48 -0600
I have no idea. I don't even know the name of the mag. I think it was Hot VW. It was last week, so I guess it was the current issue. It was an ad in the back so I bet it's in many issues and many VW
/html/shop-talk/2001-03/msg00009.html (7,259 bytes)

15. Re: Lincoln Floor Jacks (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:03:51 -0600
Those cheap "vice-grips" are good for making your own custom tools. You can grind and weld the soft metal easily ;-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-MAIL ADDRESS: borgstede@umsl
/html/shop-talk/2000-12/msg00035.html (8,694 bytes)

16. RE: cell phone wiring (humor) (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:01:50 -0600
For a cheap "Hands-Free" solution visit: I think this thread is longer than the "what do I cover my shop walls with" thread! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/html/shop-talk/2000-12/msg00211.html (6,802 bytes)

17. Re: Build it yourself Car Trailer (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 08:01:44 -0600
A web page for building your own shop tools and fixtures (grinder stands, engine pullers, engine stands, etc...) would be great! Even if you started simple and worked your way up to bigger projects.
/html/shop-talk/2000-11/msg00088.html (9,910 bytes)

18. re: florescent trouble lights (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:59:10 -0600
I would suggest the kind on a retractable reel that you hang in your garage. When you need a light, you pull it down. When you are finished for the day, you zipzipzip it back up out of the way. And
/html/shop-talk/2000-11/msg00131.html (8,692 bytes)

19. re: florescent trouble lights (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 12:44:01 -0600
Oh yes, The air hose reel is great! Now how do I put the MIG welding gun on a pull-down reel?!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-MAIL ADDRESS: Brian Borgstede I
/html/shop-talk/2000-11/msg00138.html (8,410 bytes)

20. Re: Storing Parts (score: 1)
Author: Brian Borgstede <>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 08:50:57 -0600
If you are just keeping the parts in case you might need them some day or don't plan to use them for years, what about paint? You can pick up and move the parts without a big mess. Your wife may even
/html/shop-talk/2000-08/msg00031.html (9,068 bytes)

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