If you are just keeping the parts in case you might need them some day
or don't plan to use them for years, what about paint? You can pick up
and move the parts without a big mess. Your wife may even let you
keep them in the house! Keep them off the basement floor.
> I have had very good luck with something called
>"Plow-Kote", used by farmers for storing agricultural implements outdoors.
>It dries
>as a heavy black paint that only mineral spirits can remove. Industrial supply
>vendors also have plastic-like spray coatings that are sold for storing
>outdoors or on ships in transit. I have a friend who maintains hydraulic
>systems on
>off-shore oil rigs - maybe he has a recommendation...
E-MAIL ADDRESS: borgstede@umsl.edu
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I (or 2 or more)
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I