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Total 55 documents matching your query.

21. RE: Tools (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 22:24:52 -0400
One original Triumph shop manual, and one full set of Churchill Tools! (don't I wish!) <mc>
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00101.html (7,282 bytes)

22. TRials Information (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 07:40:26 -0400
Attn 6-PACK Members, The next issue of our club magazine, although behind schedule, promises to be another exciting, professionally developed issue. It will include information on our annual conventi
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00286.html (7,551 bytes)

23. gearbox top cover (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 17:57:28 -0400
My gearbox top cover has a small plate (maybe about 2x4") covering the 3 shafts inside, and the plate has a gasket under it. However, I don't see any gearbox top covers shown in my catalogs that show
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00635.html (6,964 bytes)

24. RE: transmission oil (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 22:55:16 -0400
Michael, I put the car on 4 jackstands, and the trick to this process for me has been a bottle with a pump and hose. I found one at Autozone for this purpose (the pump was an accessory designed to fi
/html/6pack/2003-06/msg00031.html (7,731 bytes)

25. RE: Running Cool (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:16:37 -0400
Yeah, heat's never been a problem in my car - especially in the summer!! Is a TR6 supposed to have a heater? One more thing to look for.... Larry Alt '74 CF25211U Interesting "problem"...I changed th
/html/6pack/2003-06/msg00127.html (8,323 bytes)

26. ominous tranny noise (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 11:07:44 -0400
Hi guys, on the way back from Mid Ohio's Sprint Vintage Grand Prix and LBC Show yesterday, my car developed a grinding sound when in gear. Fortunately, I was very close to home, so as I pulled into t
/html/6pack/2003-06/msg00459.html (7,778 bytes)

27. RE: ominous tranny noise (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 17:58:34 -0400
Guys, does this make sense? I took the rear wheels off, and the first thing I noticed was my right rear seemed way too tight. So I adjusted it back, and with the wheels off, went back to my investiga
/html/6pack/2003-06/msg00463.html (7,684 bytes)

28. RE: ominous tranny noise (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 07:31:26 -0400
Hi Dick, and thanks to everyone for your suggestions so far. I'm off to continue my essential employment, but should be able to get back under the car tonight. Just a couple of quick comments regardi
/html/6pack/2003-06/msg00481.html (8,876 bytes)

29. Servo to wall sealant (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 22:23:02 -0400
I took off the servo tonight to clean it up, repaint, etc. I found a sticky tar-like substance along the back side of the servo where it meets up with the back wall. Do I need to put something simila
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00265.html (6,522 bytes)

30. How much brake fluid? (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 20:08:19 -0400
After a comprehensive brake rebuild (new master cylinder, some new brake lines, new hoses, rebuilt calipers and rebuilt drums) I am finally ready to bleed the brakes. I thought I'd try the Mityvac me
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00347.html (6,986 bytes)

31. RE: How much brake fluid? (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 20:51:20 -0400
It's getting better - I just didn't know what to expect. The new clear fluid is coming through, and far less air. Off to Walmart to buy some more fluid. Back on the road by tomorrow maybe???? Thanks
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00350.html (7,700 bytes)

32. RE: still missing (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 07:35:53 -0400
Almost looks like an Aston Martin badge on the front. What the heck is --Original Message-- From: [] On Behalf Of Gary Fluke Sent: Saturday
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00356.html (9,353 bytes)

33. Sump cover and gasket (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 06:28:08 -0400
I have noticed that the sump cover at the bottom of the overdrive (J type) has been leaking badly, so I took it off. After cleaning everything up, I put a new gasket on, using Permatex silicon oil-re
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00407.html (7,211 bytes)

34. RE: Other triumph lists (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 20:09:31 -0400
The various lists are available, with instructions on subscribing at There is a Triumphs list among them. Does anyone on the list know of any other Triumph
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00424.html (7,169 bytes)

35. RE: Accelerator shaft bushings (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 10:38:04 -0400
Big a$$ ??? ;-) I'll second the bite -- what's a BA screwdriver? Don Malling nicely. need to from holes
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00508.html (10,073 bytes)

36. RE: Right Rear Brake hose (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 22:05:30 -0400
Bill, I had the same problem. I used a crows foot wrench on the end of a long socket extension. At a list member's suggestion, I also crammed a piece of wood in the space between the bracket and the
/html/6pack/2003-05/msg00538.html (7,655 bytes)

37. stripped hole in trailing arm (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 17:13:45 -0500
As I was putting my nicely overhauled rear brake assembly back on the car, I noticed that one of the six studs that attach to the trailing arm around the hub was looser than it should have been. Clos
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00069.html (7,254 bytes)

38. RE: stripped hole in trailing arm (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 22:13:25 -0500
Thanks to all who replied about the heli-coil method. Looks like it's a common issue! -Mark
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00079.html (6,802 bytes)

39. picture request (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 23:29:00 -0400
Hi all, I wonder if some kind soul would email me a picture of the area where the handbrake cable connects to the rear of the brake drum assembly? I usually try to document my disassemblies pretty we
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00561.html (6,433 bytes)

40. Trailing arm cosmetics (score: 1)
Author: "Mark Creamer" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 20:15:32 -0500
I'm in the middle of a rear brake overhaul, and since I want to clean up the trailing arm assemblies, what color should they be? Natural aluminum or black? Looks like mine is a little of both at the
/html/6pack/2003-03/msg00602.html (7,281 bytes)

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