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RE: ominous tranny noise

To: "'Sally or Dick Taylor'" <tr6taylor@webtv.net>
Subject: RE: ominous tranny noise
From: "Mark Creamer" <mcreamer@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 07:31:26 -0400
Hi Dick, and thanks to everyone for your suggestions so far. I'm off to
continue my essential employment, but should be able to get back under
the car tonight.

Just a couple of quick comments regarding Dick's response - I did remove
the wheels and checked the axle U-Joint bearings last night. Those seem
good. I haven't examined the propeller shaft u-joint yet though, but I
do feel the vibration in the shifter under load so maybe there's
something there.

I've also had some responses asking for clarification on the noise, and
I guess I'd say it seems more like a popping like mis-aligned gear teeth
possibly, not so much a crunching gravel sound. If I was on Car Talk,
I'd make the sound myself :-)  (If you're not familiar with the radio
show, check your local NPR station on Saturday mornings - hilarious)
Anyway, I don't feel comfortable taking the car back onto the street for
any further testing if I can avoid it, so I'm going to try some
variation of the stethoscope suggestions folks have made and go from

Thanks as always! I'll check in later...

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Sally or Dick Taylor
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 1:13 AM
To: Mark Creamer
Cc: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: ominous tranny noise

Mark---Do the simple checks first, I always say. Especially if it
doesn't require buying unnecessary parts. 
You mentioned that the sound went away with the car on stands, in gear,
with the wheels off. The angle that the axles U-joints operate in change
with varying loads. Check these 'joints for bad bearings. The sounds of
broken bearings will telegraph, and can change pitch with road speed,
regardless of the gear selection. 
To some degree the same goes for the U-joints on the prop shaft, but
these usually produce a vibration felt thru the gear shifter.

Come back..


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