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Re: Some more to ponder

To: Linda and Bill Sohl <billsohl@planet.net>, vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Some more to ponder
From: R John Lye <rjl6n@uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 97 07:04:04 EDT
Reply-to: R John Lye <rjl6n@uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
On Jul 23,  7:10pm, Linda and Bill Sohl wrote:
> What if there was no actual banquet, leaving everyone to eat on their own
> and about 8PM meet for an awards ceremony with a cash bar and hors
> deuveres(sp?). Naturally cost should be considerably less. This year we
> were lucky that the food was excellent but service poor for some, while
> many other times the banquet food was ho hum.  This would allow others who
> would like to see the awards but maybe can't afford to come to the banquet.
>  Any thoughts?

Well, there is a group of us who actually do that already.  We either
have a nice dinner earlier and come back for the awards or go to dinner
after the awards depending on how the banquet/awards are set up.  So,
I guess I'd have to say that I like the idea.

John Lye


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