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Lots to ponder (VTR in Winona '98)

To: "billsohl@planet.net" <billsohl@planet.net> (Return requested), "vtr@Autox.Team.Net" <vtr@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Lots to ponder (VTR in Winona '98)
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Date: 24 Jul 1997 13:03:04 -0500
Alternate-recipient: Allowed
Cc: "Solstad, John & Pam" <TRDRIVER@aol.com> (Return requested), "Sandolarry@aol.com" <Sandolarry@aol.com> (Return requested)
Conversion: Allowed
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Original-encoded-information-types: IA5-Text
Reply-to: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
X400-content-type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
X400-mts-identifier: [/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/; 0042B33D798D82C1-HW-MTA-MN]
X400-originator: Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com
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Hi folks --

Just wanted to let you know that the Minnesota contingent is monitoring the 
list correspondence related to the VTR convention.  (There's been a lot of 
it too.  I took a stack of paper over an inch and a half thick to our 
meeting Tuesday night.)  We're trying to produce an event that everybody can 
enjoy so the comments have been very helpful in planning and implementation. 
 While we can't implement everything that has been suggested, we do take 
your opinions seriously.  Thanks.  Keep those cards and letters coming.

 -- Andy (TR3 in Minnesota)  Not an official spokesperson

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