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Issue 62, questions

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Issue 62, questions
From: LENAPELOU@aol.com
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 13:19:56 -0500
Reply-to: LENAPELOU@aol.com
Sender: owner-vtr
Dear Fellow VTRers:
Received a call from Ivan Love last night. Ivan reports no one has sent him
any material for" Concours Corner" for the next issue. Sounds like he polled
the consultants, and none of them returned with any material. Anyway he then
had the idea of having me post this note asking me to collect any questions
you might have of a concour nature , then he will call the consultant in
question, and get the answer, or at least an answer. So to anyone reading
this if you ever wanted to know in what year they painted the TR3A pink, or
something like that, please post your question. Thanks

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