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VTR96 Convention accommodations (long)

To: VTR <vtr@autox.team.net>, "vtr-admin" <vtr-admin@autox.team.net>, Triumph owners list <triumphs@autox.team.net>, Scions of Lucas <British-cars@autox.team.net>
Subject: VTR96 Convention accommodations (long)
From: rgs03@health.state.ny.us
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 96 10:27:40 EST
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
Reply-to: rgs03@health.state.ny.us
Sender: owner-vtr
WARNING Long Triumph post follows. Non Triumph folks may delete now.

OK, There has been enough traffic to warrant an information bulletin.

1) The registration forms will be in the next issue of The Vintage Triumph
   which should be in the mail in late February. Yes, they are a little late.
   Apologies to all. We were waiting to hear from Lime Rock Park on our
   tentative (now cancelled) track day and missed issue #61. Skip Barber
   turned us down. Seems he scheduled the whole week for a "Barber-Dodge"
   school and race. Just cause he owns the place he thinks he can do whatever
   he wants with the schedule. Sheesh! Registration forms will also be
   mailed to all VTR Chapters and Zones in the last week of January.
   Individuals may request forms via e-mail to rgs03@health.state.ny.us

2) We have reserved three hotels in a group. The host hotel, chosen as the
   host because it's the classiest, is also the smallest of the three with
   about 100 rooms. The two groups who have reserved blocks of rooms are
   Connecticut Triumph Register and New Jersey Triumph Ass'n. At least, that's
   what I was given to understand. Adirondack Triumph Association has not
   reserved any rooms as a group and is not managing who stays where. We've
   got enough to do without getting into that! As it turns out, most, if not
   all ATA members will be staying at the Holiday Inn. WE can't even get into
   The Century House. The groups who have reserved those blocks of rooms
   may release some of them as time goes by. Keep trying.

   The other two hotels are the Holiday Inn Express, where the Roadster
   Factory and Moss will be headquartered, as well as other vendors and
   which will be the site of the Welcome Pool Party and Funkhana, and the
   Hampton Inn. No formal activities are planned for the Hampton although
   this may change as space becomes tighter.

   Hotel phone numbers and rates are as follows:

   Century Inn   (518) 785-0931  $80 night dbl occ incl full breakfast
   Holiday Inn   (518) 783-6161  $70 night dbl occ incl cont. breakfast
   Hampton Inn   (518) 785-0000  $70 night dbl occ incl cont. breakfast

   We are recommending that rooms be reserved in the hotels in that order
   (CH, Holiday and last Hampton). Here's some inside information; When
   we contracted with these hotels, one person owned all three. He has
   since sold the Hampton (the new owners are honoring the contract). We
   feel a certain obligation to the gentleman we contracted with to
   promote the hotels he still owns first. The Holiday Inn is across
   the road from the Century and the Hampton is right next door on the
   same side as the Century, so you all can make your own decisions on
   where you want to stay. Nearly 400 rooms are available in the 3 hotel

3) There are numerous other independent motels in the immediate area.
   We haven't made any arrangements with any of them or visited them
   so we can't vouch for their quality or rates. Caveat emptor here.

4) Vendor space is available for attendees who wish to sell spare parts
   or other Triumph related paraphernalia. Indoor vendor space is for
   all practical purposes sold out. Outdoor space is unlimited. We may
   open additional indoor vendor space at the Hampton if room reservations
   there and demand warrant.

5) We will be including in your registration package a map with mileages
   of the area, highlighting the best restaurants and sites of interest.

6) "The London Giveaway". Chances will be available in advance and at
   registration for a trip for two to England. Details will follow
   as arrangements are finalized with the travel consultants.

7) Registration fee is $65. Additional cars and/or drivers extra. (Just
   so you can budget.) Shirts will be polo style, sweatshirts available.
   We may even have some snow left in July for all you warm weather folks
   who never see the stuff. God knows how long it will take for all this
   to melt.

That's used up plenty of bandwidth for today. If any one has any questions
I'll be happy to answer them. I may save them up and answer all in one post
to the list though. My mailer isn't exactly "state of the art" (Does anyone
know if PROFS is a Lucas product?)

Hope to see you all in July!

Rik Schlierer
VTR'96 Chairman

Rik Schlierer                 "Weekends don't count unless you
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US         spend them doing something
NYS DEPT OF HEALTH, ALBANY NY  completely pointless" (Calvin)

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