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Re: GT-6+

To: PMCHUGH@mail.hq.faa.gov
Subject: Re: GT-6+
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 00:14:13 -0700
Cc: VTR@autox.team.net
In-reply-to: <9600028206.AA820635649@mail.hq.faa.gov> (PMCHUGH@mail.hq.faa.gov)
Reply-to: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Sender: owner-vtr
Where are you, geographically speaking?  I may be interested in the Mark 
GT6 bonnet.  Hmm, I do have a Mark 2 bonnet on the hulk out on the side
of the garage, though it has a fair bit of rust.

As for cleaning up the remaining rust, I assume it is surface corrosion
and nothing too serious, as far as holes and general rot go.  I suggest
you find a professional auto body supply store in your locale, and pick
up a container of metal etching cleaner.  It is a weak phosphoric acid
solution, pale green in color, goes by a few different names, depending
on who bottles it.  Then get some vinyl or rubber coated gloves (the
wimpy latex ones in the cleaning section of your local grocery won't
cut it, er, will actually cut quite easily.  Try a serious garden store
for pesticide-proof, long cuff units.  And also a few Scotch-Brite pads
or synthetic steel wool, and some safety glasses to cover any splashes
to your eyes.  Read the instructions on the bottle, and scrub away.

I just happen to be at this stage on the frame and inner tub of my TR3
project.  It can be tedious work, but getting the surface as clean as
possible, while treating the surface rust, is the way to go.  If you are
equipped for serious spray-painting, then once the areas have been treated,
I'd suggest something like PPG's DP40 (or DP50, or DP75, or whichever color
is most suited for your final color) as a primer over the clean metal.  If
you are just a spray can kind of guy, planning on farming out the real paint
work, look for Hammerite smooth finish, DeRusto or Rustoleum spray paints at
a good hardware store.  These top brands will cost at least twice as much as
your generic household spray enamel, but they hold up longer.  Zynolite epoxy
is another good choice.  If the panels won't be visible, then color isn't a
factor.  Be careful if you leave it in primer, as some primers are not good
sealers, and must be covered with a color coat to prevent them from collecting
water vapor.

Actually, I have a better idea.  Forget the rust repair and painting, sell me
your GT6+ as is, parts and all.  I'll give you $100, cash money, for it all!


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