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Class III

Subject: Class III
From: "Mark Palmer" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:28:33 +0000
I asked this list if a Class III receiver could be used with a 
weight-distributing hitch, and got conflicting answers.  So I went to some 
supposed experts ... and got more conflicting answers!  But I thought I'd 
share the info.

The Reese web site has a FAQ that states "Class III receivers are 
weight-CARRYING only".  They also have a capacity table that says "Class 
III: weight carrying only".  However, when I posed the question to Reese via 
e-mail their answer was "The only difference between Class III and Class IV 
is the weight ratings -- THEY BOTH CAN BE USED as weight-carrying and 
weight-distributing unless the rating sticker says something different".

The Draw-tite web site doesn't come right out and say anything about it, so 
I also e-mailed them.  Their response was "The majority of 2" receivers have 
weight-distributing capabilities.  There are some that specify 
weight-carrying only".

So, it appears that most Class III receivers are capable of 
weight-distributing.  If the receiver is capable of weight-distributing, but 
classed as a Class III, I would guess that's because the load ratings don't 
meet Class IV.

I have also seen many receivers described as "Class III/IV", not clear what 
that means at all (maybe Class III when used as weight-carrying, Class IV 
when weight-distributing?).

To further the confusion, Reese and Draw-tite have also just introduced some 
light-duty weight-distributing kits that "works with ANY 2" hitch receiver". 
  That means these products work with a Class III receiver.  They have 
capacities around 3500-4000 lb trailer weight, and 350-400 lb tongue weight 
(whereas the "conventional" weight-distributing arrangements are up around 
5000/500 or more) ... so apparently, with these new light-duty WD hitches, a 
Class III receiver can be used for weight-distributing (and, according to th 
e-mails from Reese and Draw-tite, the most Class III's could accept the 
conventional WD hitches too).

So maybe it wasn't such a dumb question after all ...

Mark Palmer

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