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Re: IRP incident

To: Irv Korey <>,
Subject: Re: IRP incident
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 15:23:42 -0400
Thank you.  It sounds like a lot of bad luck all at once.  Of course, I 
tend to believe we make our luck for the most part, and I hope that 
anything that can be learnt from these accidents will be transferred to the 
rest of us.  I'd love to know more about all of these situations so that we 
can if possible prevent them in future.


>At 10:08 AM 10/9/01 -0400, Brian Evans wrote:
>>This all sounds like at least three or more incidents, all of which caused
>>injury!  A serious roll-over, an exploded clutch/flywheel, and Phil Cull
>>heavy into a tire-wall.  Can someone summarize what happened?
>Incident #1. (as reported, I didn't see this one) Phil Cull (FV) was 
>lapping another car and somehow they touched wheels, launching Phil HARD 
>into a barrier backwards. I'm told he had to be cut from his car, and he 
>is the most seriously injured.
>Incidents #2 and 3 happened in the same race, probably fairly close to the 
>same time, but in different parts of the track:
>#2 Steve Garrett's rollover, as detailed previously by Jack Drews.
>#3 Dick Naze, driving a TR2, had his clutch explode about 3/4 of the way 
>down the main straight. I had a real close look at that one, as a flying 
>chunk hit me in the helmet. Apparently, Dick has 3 broken toes on his 
>right foot, and the foot was hyperextended by shrapnel from the blast, and 
>pushed under the pedals.
>>  Any common causes?
>I would think not.
>Irv Korey

Brian Evans
Director, Canada
MCI Wholesale Internet Services

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