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Re: IRP incident

To: Brian Evans <>, "Jack W. Drews" <>,
Subject: Re: IRP incident
From: Irv Korey <>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2001 14:04:03 -0500
At 10:08 AM 10/9/01 -0400, Brian Evans wrote:

>This all sounds like at least three or more incidents, all of which caused
>injury!  A serious roll-over, an exploded clutch/flywheel, and Phil Cull
>heavy into a tire-wall.  Can someone summarize what happened?

Incident #1. (as reported, I didn't see this one) Phil Cull (FV) was 
lapping another car and somehow they touched wheels, launching Phil HARD 
into a barrier backwards. I'm told he had to be cut from his car, and he is 
the most seriously injured.

Incidents #2 and 3 happened in the same race, probably fairly close to the 
same time, but in different parts of the track:

#2 Steve Garrett's rollover, as detailed previously by Jack Drews.

#3 Dick Naze, driving a TR2, had his clutch explode about 3/4 of the way 
down the main straight. I had a real close look at that one, as a flying 
chunk hit me in the helmet. Apparently, Dick has 3 broken toes on his right 
foot, and the foot was hyperextended by shrapnel from the blast, and pushed 
under the pedals.

>  Any common causes?

I would think not.

Irv Korey

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