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Re: Liability Insurance

To: Brian Evans <>
Subject: Re: Liability Insurance
From: Larry Dent <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 08:01:36 -0500
Keep in mind that just because someone sues someone else (or something
else) does not necessarly mean that there will be a judgement in their
favor, nor that there was, in fact, any liability on the part of the
party being sued.

That is just one reason that, if you will re-read my first comments on
the insurance question,  all my statements were couched in comments such
as "usually, or normally, or in most cases".

That is simply because any one can sue anyone else for anything, real or
imagined.  USUALLY, there has to be damages along with some sort of
neglegence to receive an award, BUT no one can predect what a jury will
do, and that is the big question mark more often than not.

Larry Dent

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