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Re: Magazine Collecting

Subject: Re: Magazine Collecting
From: Larry Dent <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:50:49 -0500
I put in my 2 cents on this but just to make sure it got through, NATMUS
would love any auto based publications.

We are building a reference library on things automotive.

Incidentally, Nicky Wright, world famous auto photographer, donated his
entire collection of past "shoots" negs and slides to the museum and we
are busy trying to catalog them all.  We think there might be over
20,000 images.

Nicky died suddently a couple of months ago, just after a visit to the
Museum.  He was a very interesting guy.

Again, anyone with something to donate and wishes to discuss, e mail me
or call 219 357 4105

Larry Dent

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