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Re: Autopower roll bar tests

Subject: Re: Autopower roll bar tests
From: Royce Miller <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:30:19 -0800 (PST)
A full cage is always best but here is an example of a
4 point bar getting the job done.

One of our fellow Lotus Cortina drivers had a problem
with his brakes in turn 10 at Thunderhill more than a
year ago.  I don't believe he is on this list to
comment himself.  He tried to make the turn but ended
up drifting wide on the exit and ran out of track
resulting in the car rolling over twice.  The roll bar
in the car is like that which you describe, it has two
mounts to each rear fender well and two to the floor
behind the seats.  I don't know if it is the same
brand!  But, the driver did literally walk away!  Now,
your TR is at a disadvantage because it doesn't have a
roof, however, it also probably does not weigh 2000+
lbs. like a Cortina.  Note: I was not at the track
when the rollover occurred and have not seen the car

Myles, haven't you seen the car?  Would you say Gary's
roll bar did the job?  I think Gary would say yes!

Royce Miller
'66 Lotus Cortina #111

--- Don Marshall <> wrote:
> Hello all...
> I've got a TR4 that I'm thinking about preparing for
> vintage.. it's been
> autocrossed for years and currently has an the "SCCA
> approved" Autopower
> bolt in roll bar installed.  This is the tall one
> that bolts to the wheel
> well and floor, not the street version that bolts to
> the package shelf.
> Has anyone really tested, or know of this bar being
> tested, in actual
> situations?  At minimum I would want to add a couple
> bars down either side
> toward the front, but before I do anything, I want
> to know if this is even
> a reasonable place to start or should I unbolt this
> one and have a cage put
> in.  I guess the real question is, are the wheel
> wells strong enough to
> support  a good part of the weight of the car when
> it's upside down?  
> Any input will be appreciated...
> Don Marshall
> '63 TR4, etc..

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