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RE: Insurance

Subject: RE: Insurance
From: Phil Roettjer <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 11:45:27 -0800
You might also try Grundy Worldwide.  I am just in the process of getting
insurance for a 53 Lotus and Grundy provides coverage in transit and in the
paddock areas just like Parish, but their policy also covers the car if you
license it for the street. The totals quoted between both companies were
within $10 of each other. The number for Grundy is 800-338-4005.

Good Luck,
Phil Roettjer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donald Queen []
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 11:53 AM
> To:   Brett Johnson;
> Subject:      Re: Insurance
> Parish Insurance will provide storage/transit
> insurance on most any car for a couple hundred dollars
> a year. That's less than a new helmet !
> Don Queen
> --- Brett Johnson <> wrote:
> > I just found out that my race car insurance covers
> > the car while at home
> > and at the destination tracks/shows etc., but not
> > while being
> > transported.  Parrish will provide desired coverage,
> > but rates are
> > pretty high.  Anybody else out there that provides
> > this coverage?
> > 
> > Brett Johnson
> > 

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