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Re: Dear Santa

Subject: Re: Dear Santa
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 06:18:40 PST
That one doen't ring a bell... However, did you know that Stering Moss was 
in the (Bond spoof film) Casino Royale?

It was near the end on the film some of the bad guy ran out and jumped in a 
car and sped off. Peter Sellers ran out of the casino and up to a chauffer 
(Moss) standing on the steps and odered him to "Follow that car!" Moss ran 
off screen... Sellers exclaimed "Idiot! Next time I'll use Fangio!"

>From: "Nick England" <>
>Reply-To: "Nick England" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: Dear Santa
>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:24:56 -0500
>OK - I gotta ask - does anyone recall a really bad movie where the heroine
>is a detective (usually semi-clothed) who borrows Lothar Motschenbacher's
>Can-Am McLaren to go chase the bad guys? Probably had a very brief life in
>your cheaper theaters about 1973-74 or so.
>Best Regards & Have Fun,
>Nick England, VIR History Nut -

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