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Re: Dear Santa

Subject: Re: Dear Santa
From: Barton Spencer Brown <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:42:33 -0500
Ahh...but the market also sees far greater sales of Jacqueline Susann
and Harold Robbins novels than the works of, say, John Barth! I can't
wait to get my mitts on Michael Keyser's "French Kiss With Death" --
even the brief stories I've read of the filming of LeMans are fantastic
Greek tragedies. What *I'd* like to see is the full 24 hours of in-car
footage from the Linge 908-2 film car. Wonder where all THAT fabulous
celluloid got to?

I love Grand Prix, except for the sappy love stories and the historical
inaccuracy of using the banked portion of Monza (how else are you going
to get a ketchup-covered Yves Montand draped over a tree branch,
though?) -- highlights being the exceptionally droll performance of
Graham Hill as the lugubrious "Bob Turner", Phil Hill playing himself to
a "T", and those fantastic scenes of the REAL race at Spa -- one of the
most dismal Belgian GPs in history.

Nothing can ever quite replace "The Racers", though -- "I spit in your 


Simon Favre wrote:
> Ahah! The market has clearly decided, over time, which is the better
> film. ;=)

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