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Re: Our Sport

To: Robert Alder <>
Subject: Re: Our Sport
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 10:52:52 -0700
So, I guess every two years, we'll get to discuss the latest "Moss Incident"
at length. ;=( As for public chastisement, you can't get much more public
than the NYT. ;=)

Robert Alder wrote:
> The Wednesday (10/20/99) New York Times had a really nice series of articles
> on racing in a special "Cars" section.  Of interest to the recent thread on
> "Our Sport" were the following quotes (taken from a sidebar on the recent
> Monterey Historic races):
>     When reached in London, Mr.. Moss defended his maneuver . . . . "There
> was an opening and I went for it.  The     contact was unfortunate, but I
> was there to race, not just go for a Sunday drive."
> Now I ask you.  Was that "Racing"  or was that "Vintage Racing?"
> You'll be cheered to hear that Mr.Steve Earle made the determination.  Per
> the NYT, Mr.. Earle said, "Mr.. Moss will not be allowed to compete in next
> year's Monterey Historics.  Our rules are written for the safety and benefit
> of all the participants and apply to all participants equally."
> Bravo, Mr.. Earle and long live VINTAGE Racing.

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