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Re: Our Sport

To: <>
Subject: Re: Our Sport
From: "Robert Alder" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:37:11 -0600
The Wednesday (10/20/99) New York Times had a really nice series of articles
on racing in a special "Cars" section.  Of interest to the recent thread on
"Our Sport" were the following quotes (taken from a sidebar on the recent
Monterey Historic races):

    When reached in London, Mr.. Moss defended his maneuver . . . . "There
was an opening and I went for it.  The     contact was unfortunate, but I
was there to race, not just go for a Sunday drive."

Now I ask you.  Was that "Racing"  or was that "Vintage Racing?"

You'll be cheered to hear that Mr.Steve Earle made the determination.  Per
the NYT, Mr.. Earle said, "Mr.. Moss will not be allowed to compete in next
year's Monterey Historics.  Our rules are written for the safety and benefit
of all the participants and apply to all participants equally."

Bravo, Mr.. Earle and long live VINTAGE Racing.

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